Membership Checkout

Waiver and Release

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF RISK: I understand the use of the area involves the danger of encountering both known and unknown hazards and risk which could result in injury, paralysis, death, illness and disease, physical or mental damage to myself, to my property, or to spectators or other third-parties. I hereby accept and assume all risk and dangers and all responsibility for any and all losses and / or damages, whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC or the landowners.

WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By signing below, I acknowledge that I am aware of the dangers, and even so, I do hereby, on behalf of myself, my personal representatives and my heirs, voluntarily agree to RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, HOLD HARMLESS, DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC and the landowner’s from any and all claims, actions of losses for bodily injury, property, wrongful death, loss of services otherwise which may arise out of my use of the land or my participation in any activities thereon. I specifically understand that I am releasing, discharging,, and waiving any claims or actions (right to law suit) that I may have presently or in the future for the negligent acts or other conduct by Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC and the Landowner’s. This document shall be binding on myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT: For and in consideration of being permitted by Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC or the landowner’s to use the area, I agree to this WAIVER, RELEASE, AND INDEMNIFICATION; the undersigned joins in this WAIVER AND RELEASE and stipulates and agrees to SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS, INDEMNIFY, AND FOREVER DEFEND RIVERS EDGE OUTDOORS, LLC and the LANDOWNERS from and against any and all claims, actions, demands, expenses, liabilities (including attorney’s fees) and NEGLIGENCE made or brought by the undersigned or by anyone on behalf of the undersigned, as a result of the undersigned’s use of the land

RELEASE: In consideration of the services and/or property provided, I, for myself and any minor children for which I am the parent, legal guardian, or otherwise responsible, any heirs, personal representatives, or assigns do hereby release Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC and the landowner’s Launa H Lilly, Charles and Diane Tuck, Lewis M. Turner and any Sponsors from any liability and waive any claim from damages arising from any cause whatsoever.

SURVIVABILITY: If any portion of this contract for use, release of liability and waiver is held invalid, it is agreed that the remainder shall not withstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. By signing this form, I have agreed to Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC and the landowners, and Sponsors Risk, Responsibility and Liability Policy and have read the entire document, understand it completely and agree to be bound to its terms. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Rivers Edge Outdoors, LLC.


1. All riders must comply with the rules and regulations. Knowingly breaking the rules will result in a non-refundable escort from the property.
2. We need to know who is on the property at all times. All riders must sign in before unloading. If you are riding without signing the waiver, you are TRESPASSING and will be prosecuted. (This is an insurance requirement.)
3. Do not ride alone. Riders must use a buddy system.

4. All riders MUST stop when signaled to do so by Rivers Edge STAFF.
5. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages. 
6. No cursing or obscene language.
7. No horse playing. Ride safely. Be respectful of others. Help others in need.
8. You WILL be held responsible for any injuries or damages caused by you or your machine.
9. Riding gear must be worn at all times: helmet, eye protection and motorcycle boots are REQUIRED. Chest protector, gloves, long sleeve shirt and riding pants are suggested.
10. Follow ALL posted speeds. Riding in pit area or access roads maximum speed 15 mph.
12. Do not ride beyond your abilities.
13. Trails are one-way traffic unless marked otherwise.
14. Do not stop in a curve or block the trail.
15. Stay on marked trails. Trails that are marked “closed”; trails that aren’t marked or trails that are under construction are NOT rider ready. Riding on them will be considered trespassing.
16. Observe all safety and caution signs, barricades, etc.
17. Do not ride on closed trails. Trails may be closed for any reason including maintenance.
18. Cross creeks at designated crossings only. No riding through creek beds.
19. No three wheelers.
20. No ATV’s
21. Riders must keep ALL GATES CLOSED.
22. No two up riding. (NO DOUBLING)
23. Do not spin up parking area.
24. Parents must supervise small children (under 12 years old) at all times.
25. Children under 18 must be with parents or legal guardian.
26. Camping in designated areas only. When camping you must email Lewis with your plans. We need to know who is on the property at all times.
27. If camping; no riding after dark unless approved as a special event.
28. Fishing in river at Own Risk. Must have state fishing license and abide by state laws and regulations.
29. No littering. Carry out what you bring in. Please be sure to remove trash from the premises upon your departure.
30. Riding on this property is a privilege. Please be respectful of the land and the landowner by staying in the areas designated for off-road recreation. All buildings, structures, hunting tree stands and machinery are OFF LIMITS and considered PRIVATE property. Anyone caught in the restricted areas will be escorted off the property and have their riding privileges revoked.
31. Rules subject to change without notice.

Membership Level change

You have selected the One-Time Trial Membership membership level.

The price for membership is $30.00 now.

Membership expires after 1 Month.

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